Resource Library
Visual Workforce Overview
Learn how Visual Workforce's skills management and workforce visualization platform empowers businesses with intuitive visualizations and impactful insights about their people.
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Winning The Human Side Of M&A
Understanding the skills of the human capital involved in an M&A transaction is critical to both sides. See how Visual Workforce helps with human capital due diligence.
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Attract and Retain Top Talent
Visual Workforce takes an intuitive, visual approach to skills management that arms organizations with the data and insights they need to attract, retain, and cross-train top talent.
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Visualize Your Employees' Skills
See how you can quickly catalogue and visualize your employees' skills so you can make more intelligent decisions around project staffing and resource utilization.
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Optimize IT Project Delivery
Ready to get the most from your IT team? Visual Workforce can help you optimize the skills, efficiency, and growth of your team's IT capabilities.
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Skill and Proficiency Matrix
Learn how to build an integrated, dynamic skills matrix that enables organizations to compare people across a set of skills and desired proficiencies.
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Learn how the VizOp can show how an individual stacks up against desired proficiency levels and how that insight can facilitate the creation of personalized learning and development plans.
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Skill Concentration
Learn how the Skill Concentration visualization delivers insight into the overall strengths and weaknesses of a team, department, or the entire organization.
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Plan Proficiency
Learn how the Plan Proficiency visualization gives organizations a top-down view of how people stack up against desired proficiency levels for a given job role, team, or project.
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Compare People on Plan
Learn how the Compare People on Plan visualization gives organization's the ability to quickly compare the skills and proficiencies of individuals within a specific job role.
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Certification and Aptitudes
Learn how the Certification and Aptitudes visualization enables organizations to track areas without numeric proficiency scores and get insight into critical data around certifications.
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Compare Plans
Learn how the Compare Plans visualization provides organizations with a view of KPIs related to the level of proficiency attainment within their various roles, teams, and projects.
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Skill Progression
Learn how the Skill Progression visualization can help you track changes in a person's individual skill proficiencies over time.
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Getting Started Using the Master Skills Library
Learn how you can leverage Visual Workforce's proprietary database of job roles and associated skills to dramatically reduce the time it takes to define job roles and associated skill sets.
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Product Overview
What sets Visual Workforce apart from other skills management solutions? Check out this overview of the Visual Workforce platform to see how it works and what it could do for your business.
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Speed to Value
Learn how Visual Workforce is changing the game when it comes to skills management. Forget six-month rollouts, start generating insights about your workforce in as little as two days.
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Skills Matrix
Never build a stand-alone skills matrix in Excel ever again. Learn about Visual Workforce's approach to building skills matrices that scale and meet the needs of modern business.
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Internal Mobility
Leverage powerful visualizations to drive internal mobility and let individuals take career development into their own hands
eBooks & Whitepapers
7 Burning Questions in Skills Management
In this eBook, we pull back the curtain and talk through some of the most common, pressing questions that face anyone considering a skills management initiative.
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The Modern Skills Matrix
In this whitepaper, we explore the technological limitations of the traditional, Excel-based skills matrix and identify the ideal characteristics of a modern, scalable skills matrix.
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5 Lessons to Learn From Amazon's Investment in Upskilling
In this eBook, we explore why Amazon and other global leaders are investing heavily in upskilling, and examine the implications for businesses like yours and the labor market in general.
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How to Create a Better Team Through Data Visualization
In this eBook, we explore the role skills management and data visualization can play in helping organizations build better teams and close skills gaps within their workforce.
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Case Studies
ChildFund International
See how global nonprofit ChildFund International used Visual Workforce to identify and bridge a skills gap within their IT organization - saving $200,000 along the way.
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